BusinessMotions | Service Delivery

Our Engagement Methodology Ensures Your Success



Proven Delivery Approach

Our service delivery approach is designed to ensure your satisfaction. With decades of delivery experience across our team, we understand the importance of following a defined methodology to produce optimum results. Our four step approach: Consult, Design, Review and Launch confers the confidence you need to know our work will meet your expectations.


  1. Consult:
 During the Consultation phase, we will work with you to set goals, develop ideas, gather content, set timelines for your work and clarify your participation.

  2. Design: During Design, we will develop the layout for your project, create new content (graphical and contextual), repurpose existing content, prepare configurations and share the draft output with you.

  3. Review:
 During Review we will meet with you to collaborate on the draft, you will advise and make recommendations for changes. The review phase usually includes one or two iterations and concludes with your Design Approval for Go-live.

  4. Launch: During Launch, we will publish and/or produce final content and execute promotion activities.